
Physioform Frequently Asked Questions

Physioform Exercise Class

Our Physioform classes are group physiotherapy sessions of up to 7 participants. As physiotherapists we use our knowledge of pathology and exercise to design classes that:

  • Improve core activation and strength for spinal stability
  • Optimise your movement patterns to improve your posture and protect joints, ligaments and tendons
  • Maintain and improve your strength
  • Maintain and improve your balance

We use some Pilates techniques but also incorporate weights, balance and stretches to produce what we believe to be the most intelligent of exercise programmes.

Our exercises are specific and structured with a grading system to ensure your individual needs are met. We aim to help you reach your optimum functional level.

Your instructor physiotherapist is passionate about bringing you the latest evidenced based information about using your body optimally. There is a lot of pseudo science regarding healthcare and we aim to help you navigate your way through this and get optimal results with intelligent exercise.

Physioform is not about cardiovascular fitness but we can help you find an appropriate exercise to train this. It is also a very important part of staying healthy.

How is Physioform different to Pilates?

Physioform exercises are created using evidence based physiotherapy knowledge whist incorporating some pilates principles as well as weights and balance exercises.

Not all Pilates exercises are advocated by physiotherapists, in fact many are contraindicated.

How long until it feels different/ how long until I feel better?

This is a difficult question to answer. Subtle changes can happen quickly as you learn new patterns of movement.

Improved muscle recruitment is usually obvious after 6 weeks.

Visible strengthening and toning is more obvious after 6-10 weeks.

Continued improvement happens over long periods of time as the exercises are progressed regularly.

So why should I do exercise classes here instead of at my gym?

All exercise sessions at South City Physiotherapy are conducted by qualified physiotherapists. Physioform incorporates our extensive knowledge of anatomy, acute injury treatment and rehabilitation . We are aware of which specific exercises are likely to help and which may harm individuals with certain conditions.

Exercise classes at the gym are generic and de- signed for people with no pre-existing injuries. Often gym classes can be large and individuals are poorly supervised.

If you have required physiotherapy treatment or get back or neck pain it would be best to learn your technique from a trained physiotherapist.

What options does SCP offer?

Physioform Physiotherapy group session

Maximum 7 participants. Cost is $185 for a pack of 5 classes to be used over 6 a week period or $42 for a casual class. This is a one hour long class run by a physiotherapist.

It is necessary to attend a preliminary session with your physiotherapist prior to attending the class to get the basic muscle activation right.

Individual exercise session

This is an exercise program tailored to your condition and functional goals. This may include use of the pilates equipment (the reform- er and trapeze table).

These sessions run for 30 minutes and the usual standard consultation cost applies.

Can I use my private health card to claim on my group or individual session?

Yes. Individual sessions receive the same re- bate as a physiotherapy treatment session .

Classes are often also covered by your private health insurance under a “group therapy” 560 code.

Please check with your own health fund for the specifics of your rebate.

What should I wear?

Tracksuit pants or gym pants / bike shorts and a t-shirt that allows full arm movements.

Bare feet or socks.

If attending one on one session for neck/shoulder a singlet top is recommended.

Do I have to bring anything?

All equipment including towels are supplied.

When are the classes on?

Monday 7am 10.30am, 12pm & 6pm

Tuesday 7am 9.30am 6pm

Wednesday 7am, 9.30am & 6pm

Thursday 6pm

Friday 10.30am

There may be a short waiting list for a place in some classes. Once you are allocated it is yours as long as you require it. If you are unable to attend your class we ask you give us at least 24hrs notice or you may be charged for that class.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Physioform fraternity.